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Local News: City of Toronto and Statistics Canada promote 2006 Census at City Hall
The City of Toronto and Statistics Canada will host a day-long Census Help Centre in the City Hall Rotunda on Monday, May 15 to help promote the 2006 Census to Toronto residents. Statistics Canada staff will be on hand to help residents fill out their questionnaires and answer questions from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents requiring assistance are encouraged to bring the forms they received by mail to the Census Help Centre at City Hall.
Mayor David Miller will help Statistics Canada launch the 2006 Census in the Members’ Lounge at 1:45 p.m. by officially proclaiming May 16, 2006 as Census Day. The event will also include a presentation by Doug Newson, Director of Statistics Canada’s Central Region about the 2006 Census and its importance.
New for 2006, census questionnaires can be completed online. Visit www.census2006.com for more information about the census or how to complete your census questionnaire online. Help is also available in 46 languages by calling the Census Help Line at 1-877-594-2006.
Posted on Tuesday, May 16 @ 13:38:37 UTC by jcohen
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