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Local News: Aroni Awards 2008 Video Presentation by Lisa Small Black Habits Articles Posted by jcohen on Monday, December 22 @ 18:15:33 UTC (9431 reads)
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Black Habits: A Revolutionary Evolution Black Habits Articles There was a time when black men and women accepted an invitation to meet regularly in Toronto for the sole purpose of discussing what was wrong and what was right in their lives. Posted by jcohen on Monday, December 22 @ 15:18:29 UTC (13451 reads)
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World News: Jamaican activist sues bank for slavery Black Habits Articles A Jamaican youth activist in New York has filed a slavery genocide lawsuit in State Court in Brooklyn, demanding compensation for Barclays Bank's alleged role in enslaving his Jamaican ancestors and the "resulting destruction" of his African ethnic and national identity. Posted by jcohen on Monday, July 07 @ 14:30:55 UTC (12393 reads)
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