Vit D Recommendation Missing From Breast Cancer Task Force Report on Black Women
Date: Thursday, October 25 @ 18:34:36 UTC Topic: Black Habits Articles
Once in a great while, a report emerges from the medical establishment that's so
myopic and devoid of wisdom that it boggles the mind.
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by Mike Adams
Today, a new candidate for
the "most ignorant medical advice" emerges from none other than the
Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force -- a group of over 100 doctors and
nurses who collectively have failed to publicly recognize any significant link
between diet and breast cancer. By combining their ignorance into a "Task
Force," they have managed to create a pompous-sounding do*****ent that
purports to explain why black women die from breast cancer at much higher rates
than white women; yet all they've really created is a self-serving presentation
of medical myths grounded upon the false belief that breast cancer is
essentially caused by a deficiency in mammograms.
In 113 pages of text containing 37 recommendations for how to solve the breast
cancer problem with black women, there is not a single mention of vitamin D. You
heard that correctly: This miracle nutrient which has been scientifically shown
to prevent 77 percent of all breast cancers -- a nutrient that is deficient in
virtually all black women living in North America -- apparently didn't even
cross the minds of these 100 doctors, nurses and cancer "experts" who
contributed to this highly publicized report. If it did cross their minds, it
was certainly not considered significant enough to warrant a single mention in
this 113-page report: Not even a footnote!
You can read the full report yourself by
clicking here.
A remarkable gap in nutritional
For 100 doctors and health experts to somehow miss the significance of
vitamin D in preventing breast cancer in black women seems nothing short of
astonishing. As recent research has shown, the vast majority of black women at
chronically deficient in vitamin D. How deficient? Consider this: 92.4 percent
of their children are being born with vitamin D deficiencies so severe that many
are diagnosed with rickets. This is even true among black women who were taking
prenatal vitamins. (Click
here to read the story.)
So why are black women so much more deficient in vitamin D than white women? The
answer is right under our noses: Skin color! Darker skin pigmentation, you see,
blocks ultraviolet light absorption which generates vitamin D in the skin. Since
vitamin D is a substance that halts the growth of cancer tumors when circulating
in the blood, it's not at all complex to understand why vitamin D deficiency in
black women would result in higher breast cancer mortality.
This stuff is so simple to understand that I recently explained it to an eight
grader who wrote it up for a school report. Yet somehow, these 100 doctors and
health experts in the Chicago task force could not even rise to the level of an
eight grade student when it comes to reporting on these concepts: There's no
mention of vitamin D, sunlight, skin color or even information about how
geographical locations alter breast cancer risk due to variations in sunlight
here to see the map of the United States shaded by breast cancer rates.
Once you see this map, you'll instantly understand the link between sunlight,
geographic latitude, skin color, vitamin D and breast cancer.)
Is there no sunlight in
Is there an IQ vortex in Chicago that sucks the intelligence out of
doctors' heads? How did 100 doctors, nurses and cancer experts get together for
a task force on breast cancer and completely miss the single most obvious cause
of the disease in black women? Maybe they failed to read my own report, Breast
Cancer Deception,
where I clearly point out the link between sun exposure, skin color and vitamin
D creation in the skin. (Or maybe they weren't interested in reading a report
that didn't recommend more mammograms...)
Perhaps they have zero nutritional knowledge to begin with and aren't interested
in learning anything new from someone else. Or maybe they're all just so steeped
in mammography and chemotherapy (the vast majority of panel participants work in
conventional oncology) that they are intellectually unable to acknowledge the
value of any healing modality outside their own areas of expertise.
One thing is certain: They sure didn't invite any nutritionists to the task
force. All it would have taken was one person standing up and saying, "Um,
excuse me. Has anybody thought this might be related to vitamin D?" No such
person, it seems, was invited to the task force. In fact, it was less of a
"task force" and more of a self-serving oncology orgy fest that was
clearly designed to sell one thing to black woman: Mammography.
Myth vs. Fact About Breast
Let's get to some facts about breast cancer. Forget all the hype and
propaganda put out by the breast cancer industry and this astonishingly ignorant
Chicago task force. Here's the truth about breast cancer you won't read in the
mainstream media:
• 90% of breast cancer is preventable through changes in diet and lifestyle
• The average breast cancer patient is worth over $800,000 in revenues to the
cancer industry
• Vitamin D, all by itself, can prevent nearly 4 out of 5 cases of breast
cancer. See
• You can get all the vitamin D you need absolutely free of charge by exposing
your skin to sunlight. See
• Every woman who prevents breast cancer represents a LOSS of $800,000 in
revenue for the breast cancer industry
• Chemotherapy causes permanent brain damage. See
Also see:
• There is no such thing as a pharmaceutical "cure" for breast
cancer. The "search for the cure" is a marketing gimmick.
• Mammography harms 10 women for every 1 woman that it helps. See
• All woman have cancer cells. Microtumors exist in healthy bodies. Simply
spotting a microtumor on a mammogram does not mean the tumor is necessarily a
health risk.
• Processed meat products containing sodium nitrite cause breast cancer. See
• Many cosmetic products and personal care products contain cancer-causing
• There is no motivation for anyone in the cancer industry to teach cancer
prevention. Preventing cancer means losing repeat customers.
• Chemotherapy is only effective on 1% - 2% of patients. (Source: Ralph Moss)
• Black men and women are being exploited by the cancer industry as lucrative
profit centers for chemotherapy. See
• See the CounterThink chemotherapy cartoon:
Task force theories on breast
The task force report did manage to come up with three theories on why
black women are dying from breast cancer at much higher rates than white women.
These three theories (along with my comments) are:
1. Black women receive fewer mammograms (Translation: Breast cancer is caused
by a deficiency in mammograms...)
2. Black women receive mammograms of inferior quality (Translation: If black
women just had better mammograms, they'd be fine...)
3. Black women have inadequate access to quality treatment once a cancer is
diagnosed. (Translation: Black women need more chemotherapy...
These three theories are nothing short of ludicrous. If breast cancer was
prevented by mammograms, most middle-class white women wouldn't have breast
cancer at all! Let me state this bluntly: Mammograms do not prevent breast
cancer. They only recruit breast cancer patients. In fact, mammograms
actually cause
breast cancer because they emit radiation and cause DNA damage in breast cells!
To claim that black women only need more mammograms and more chemotherapy is
nothing less than a grand medical deception. Didn't anyone think to ask the
obvious question about differences between white women and black women? Skin
pigmentation! Darker skin blocks UV light. Less light means lower vitamin D
production, and that means faster tumor growth. Is this so difficult for
conventionally-trained medical doctors to understand?
I believe that every single person involved in this task force report should
have their medical license stripped and be banished from practicing medicine
ever again. In my opinion, their astonishing ignorance of vitamin D's effects on
the cancer risk of black women is inexcusable. These people have a
responsibility to know the basics when it comes to preventing cancer with
nutrition, and when they remain utterly ignorant of these simple concepts, they
post a dire risk to public health. Anyone foolish enough to follow their advice
will only end up a victim of chemotherapy, radiation or useless cancer
And why do I get so riled up about this topic? Because black women are
needlessly dying of a disease that's simple to prevent, that's why! The
system of organized medicine that controls the cancer industry today is preying
upon black women, pretending to not know why they keep dying from cancer, and
refusing to tell them the truth about how their skin color causes vitamin D
deficiency. I'm outraged that my fellow brothers and sisters are being killed by
organized medicine and denied access to truthful information about a simple,
safe and absolutely free way to prevent 4 out of 5 cancers.
And I'm outraged at the racism of conventional medicine, where this
white-dominated, male-dominated medical system blatantly exploits low-income
black women for pure profit. In my opinion, it is a crime against all people of
color. It is racist, unethical, and downright criminal. And for the Chicago
breast cancer task force to curiously refuse to mention this obvious link
between vitamin D and breast cancer mortality in black women is nothing short of
criminal negligence.
These doctors and cancer "experts" have a responsibility to know what
they're talking about. They are licensed by the state to practice medicine,
after all, and yet they demonstrate absolutely no ability to cover even the
fundamentals of anti-cancer nutrition that could save hundreds of thousands of
women from breast cancer deaths.
Who are these task force
By associating their names with this do*****ent, these doctors, nurses and
oncologists have cemented their names in a do*****ent of great historical
significance: It will be looked upon with ridicule and laughter in the near
future -- held up as an example of the incredible arrogance and
short-sightedness of doctors in an era of pharmaceutical-controlled medicine.
In my view, there is hardly a greater example of high-IQ stupidity in organized
medicine today than this breast cancer task force do*****ent. It stretches the
limits of credibility and makes one wonder just how a hundred health experts
could remain so utterly ignorant of the healing power of sunlight and vitamin D.
Ultimately, what they've shown us is that doctors and oncologists are simply
not qualified to talk about breast cancer. They apparently have no education
in cancer prevention, no understanding of nutrition and absolutely no
willingness to teach themselves the most important facts about how to really
prevent breast cancer in black women.
Personally, I am ashamed of my fellow human beings who operate organized
medicine today. They, too, are my brothers and sisters, but they remain
intellectual infants, and they need to be put back into pre-school and not let
loose practicing medicine on live patients. Somehow, those individuals who
know the least have been put in charge of health care, and those who know
the most about how to prevent disease have been labeled criminals or run out of
the country.
The Dark Ages of modern
is how we have arrived at the system of medicine in America today, where we have
the highest rates of degenerative disease of any nation in the world, where we
pay the highest prices (by far) for medical care of any nation in the world, and
we have an entire system of medicine that somehow, astonishingly, has not yet
realized that what you eat and absorb is the primary determining factor of the
health your body expresses.
We remain in the Dark Ages of modern medicine. What will lead us out of it? A
return to nature, as usual. Look at the sun: Our answers are being broadcast
across the universe, spanning the emptiness of space and illuminating our own
skin. Look at the weeds in your yard, the bushes, trees and plants growing in
the fields and forests nearby. Those are your medicines. Look at the foods
growing out of the ground: The nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits. These are
your nourishment. Mother Nature provides all the medicine we need to slash
cancer rates by 90%, and she doesn't charge a dime in royalties or patent fees.
She keeps on giving, generation after generation, hoping that one day a race of
human beings will walk this planet with the humility to listen to her.
Until that day comes, our fellow human beings will continue to suffer under the
arrogance, greed and myopia so eloquently demonstrated by this Chicago Breast
Cancer Task Force. Through the combined efforts of over 100 cancer experts, they
have produced a do*****ent of remarkable ignorance, and one that shall forever
serve as a valuable reminder of what went wrong with 21st century medicine and
why so many human beings were lost to a disease that could be prevented for